Friday, August 23, 2013

Only in Alburquerque

Many good things are happening in Alburquerque. The once quiet and sleepy town is now awake! 

Very recently, Mayor Efren Tungol signed the Letter of Understanding or LOU with the USAID/FEF/The Asia Foundation re the COMPETE Project where the titling beneficiaries of the LAMP2 Project can be given access to credit.   The first Access to Credit workshop will be conducted on September 6th at the Alburquerque Training Center to selected titleholders.

Albur is also one of the pilot LGUs of the BCCI/The Asia Foundation/AusAid CRID or Coordinating Roads Investments for Development Project which determines strategic road links whether barangay, municipal, provincial or national road.

In addition, Albur is the first recipient in Bohol of the Jollibee Group Foundation Busog Lusog Talino or BLT Schoolfeeding program, now on going in 3 schools, namely, Toril Elementary School, Tagbuane Elementary School and Alburquerque Central Elementary School.

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