Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Promoting Democratic Values in the Barangays of Alburquerque” conducts Barangay Rule of Law Seminars

The Philippine Center for Civic Education and Democracy, in partnership with its Spanish partner NGO Zabalketa, and the Local Government Unit of Alburquerque, Bohol with support from the DiputacionForal de Gipuzkoa and the Office of the Municipal Local Government Operations conducted two (2) training batches of the Barangay Rule of Law Seminar for its project entitled, “Promoting Democratic Values in the Barangays of Alburquerque” last April 19-20, and April 26-27, 2013, respectively.

The first batch of training was participated in by 60 LuponTagapamayapa Members, Barangay Captains and Barangay Kagawad from the 6 Coastal Barangays of Alburquerque. These barangays include, San Agustin, Sta. Filomena, West Poblacion, East Poblacion, Bahi and Tagbuane. While the 2nd batch of training was attended by 65 participants from 5 upland barangays, Toril, Danggay, Basacdacu, Cantiguib, Ponong,  and 1 coastal barangay, East Poblacion.

The 2-day Barangay Rule of Law Seminar which is designed to deepen democratic values among citizens at the grassroots level, included 4 sessions on the following Modules: (1) The Barangays as “Schools of Citizenship” delivered by Atty. Adolfo Doroy, Bohol Provincial Prosecutor, (2) The Law on KatarungnangPambarangay delivered by Atty. Greg Austral, Dean of the University of Bohol- College of Law and PCCED Board Member, (3) Techniques and Skills in Resolving Conflict, delivered by Atty. Myrfi Gonzalez, Faculty Member of University of San Carlos, Cebu City, and (4) Towards a Transformative KatarungangPambarangay facilitated by Atty Alma Aparece, Dean of the Planning and Research of the University of Bohol.

During the evaluation, Punong Barangay Alex Andoy of West Poblacion expressed his gratitude to PCCED for bringing the Barangay Rule of Law Seminar in Alburquerque. He added that he has learned a lot from the speakers especially on the Barangay Justice System and the Techniques in resolving conflict. Other Lupon members shared that they are more confident in facing the cases filed before their office since they have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their tasks.

PCCED holds a Training Orientation for Local Consultants in Bohol

The Philippine Center for Civic Education and Democracy held Training Orientation for a new pool of Trainers and Facilitators for its BRLS Program in Bohol last April 11, 2013 at Garden CafĂ©, Tagbilaran City. The Training Orientation was an initiative of the organization to localize the Rule of Law Trainings, specifically for the 2-year project entitled, “Promoting Democratic Values in the Barangays of Alburquerque”. The Training Orientation aimed to introduce the pool of local trainers to PCCED’s advocacy of promoting democratic values and citizenship through education and transforming the barangays as ‘schools of citizenship’ through the Barangay Rule of Law Seminar Program.

The Training Orientation were participated by lawyers from Bohol who are also active in the government, community and the academe. The pool of trainer includes Atty. Adolfo Doroy,Bohol Provincial Prosecutor, Atty. Alma Aparece, Dean for Planning and Development at the University of Bohol and Municipal Trial Court JudgeHelen Cabatos. Also present were the BRLS Module Developers, Atty. Greg Austral, Dean of College of Law at the University of Bohol, Atty. Myrfi Gonzalez, College of Law Professor at the University of San Carlos, Cebu City, and PCCED’s Chairman, Dr. Clement Camposano, Executive Director, ReynaldTrillana, and Member, Philip Paje. The Training Orientation was also attended by PCCED’s Project Staff who are managing the BRLS program in various areas of the Philippines. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013


The APAG or Alburquerque Performing Arts Group is the main highlight of the LGU Night held on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at the Alburquerque Gymnasium. 


A Unity Walk, Interfaith Rally, Covenant Signing and Candidates Forum was held in Alburquerque on Saturday,  April 27, 2013.  This was spearheaded by the COMELEC, DILG, Albur PNP,  Santa Monica Parish and Local Government Unit of Alburquerque.  Dubbed as S.A.F.E. 2013 or Safe and Fair Elections 2013, this was participated in by various stakeholders of Alburquerque.

The Candidates Forum was moderated by Fr. Larry Organiza, parish priest of Alburquerque.  Each of the candidates was given a prescribed number of  minutes to present their platforms to the participants.  The stakeholders were given time to ask questions after.


I.                    Attended the following:
1.       Meeting of the Alburquerque Performing Arts Group on April 2, 2013 re Dance Workshop
2.       Audition for participants of the Dance Workshop at the Alburquerque Training Center on April 2, 2013 (morning)
3.       Preparatory Meeting on April 2, 2013 at the JJs Dimsum and Restaurant with the district supervisors of six LGUs namely, Albur, Baclayon, Dauis, Loboc, Maribojoc, Antequera re summer teacher training with Miriam College  and Synergeia Foundation
4.       Bohol Poll 2013 Public Presentation at the HNU Main AV Hall on April 3, 2013 (afternoon)
5.       Barangay Education Summit in Dangay on April 8, 2013 as workshop facilitator
6.       Barangay Education Summit in Cantiguib on April 11, 2013 as workshop facilitator
7.       Culmination of the Dance Workshop at the Alburquerque Training Center on April 12, 2013
8.       Barangay Education Summit in Toril as Workshop Facilitator on April 12, 2013
9.       Visit of Senator Allan Peter Cayetano at the Calamay Center in Alburquerque, Bohol on April  21, 2013 (Sunday)
10.   Barangay Education Summit in Tagbuane as workshop facilitator on April 22, 2013
11.   Meeting with Dr. Caridad Tharan of Synergeia Foundation and the Gurong Lingkod teachers of Miriam College in Baclayon, Bohol on April 22, 2013
12.   Summer Teacher Training in Reading with Miriam College and Synergeia Foundation at Baclayon Cultural Center on April 23 to 24, 2013 as training coordinator for 6 LGUs
13.   Barangay Education Summit in San Roque High School as workshop facilitator on April 23, 2013 (Tuesday)
14.   First novena mass at 4am for Santa Monica at the Alburquerque Church sponsored by the LGU
15.   LGU Night featuring the Alburquerque Performing Arts Group on April 25, 2013
16.   Summer Teacher Training in Peace Education with Miriam College and Synergeia Foundation at Holy Spirit School as training coordinator for 6 LGUs on April 25 to 26, 2013
17.   Post training meeting with Dr. Caridad Tharan and Dr. Jasmin Galace at Paprika Restaurant in Tarsier Botanika on April 26, 2013
18.   PCCED Training at Crabhouse Restaurant in Mansasa, Tagbilaran City on April 27, 2013 (Saturday)
19.   “Unity Walk, Interfaith Rally, Covenant Signing and Candidates Forum” at the Alburquerque Gymnasium as lady of ceremonies on April 27, 2013 (Saturday)
20.   Barangay Education Summit for EPO, Ponong and Wepo on April 29, 2013 (Monday) as workshop facilitator

II.                  Coordinated the following  activities or events:
A.      Done:
1.       Dance Workshop at the Alburquerque Training Center on April 2 to 12, 2013
2.       Submission of Proposal for Jollibee Group Foundation Busog, Lusog, Talino Program
3.       Submission  of proposal for a P250,000.00 grant on Remedial Reading Program with Kaya Natin, Ateneo School of Government, SEAOIL
4.       Submission of requirements for Jesse Robredo Awards
5.       Submission of Revised Proposals for the Sycip-Kazarian Fund to Synergeia Foundation of Dangay, Toril, Cantiguib, Tagbuane
6.       Video shoot of the Hongkong Media of the Alburquerque salt making and broom making industries on April 22, 2013
7.       Community Extension/Outreach of Holy Name University librarians at the Alburquerque Municipal Library in organizing and accessioning the library book collection

B.      On-going:

1.       Fiesta Nightly Activities: letters of sponsorship, etc
2.       Printing of workbooks for Alburquerque schools
3.       DOLE DILP Project Progress Reports from DOLE grant recipients
4.       Follow up proposal to Secretary Armin Luistro, FSC of DepEd re computers for students
5.       Follow up of the resolutions submitted to National Museum and NCCA re declaration of Alburquerque Church
6.       Listing of scholars for TESDA scholarships by barangay
7.       Proposal writing for Governor Edgar Chatto and Congressman Rene Relampagos re funding support for Basic Education Program
8.       Negotiation with UP ISMED and UP Chancellor Caesar Saloma re instructional materials for Alburquerque District
9.       Cultural mapping in Alburquerque

C.      To be conducted:
1.       Special survey with HNU Research Center
2.       Training of teachers re use of Bisaya in the classroom with Engr. Jes Tirol
3.       Presentation of Basic Education Reforms to Bohol Chamber of Commerce Incorporated
4.       Evaluation of Basic Education Reforms Program
5.       Administrators’ Training
6.       Re-echo of the Justice and Healing Paralegal Training
7.       Conduct of Gender Sensitivity Training

III.                Drafted/Finalized the following:

1.       Press releases  for the Bohol Chronicle and Sunday Post
2.       Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Jollibee Foundation
3.       Proposal for Alburquerque Museum

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Senator Alan Peter Cayetano brought his PTK or Presyo Trabaho Kita program to Albur yesterday April 21, 2013 (Sunday). After his choppper touched down at the San Roque High School, he talked with Mayor Efren Tungol and his slate.  Mayor Tungol presented him a sample of the Asin Tibuok, an Albur icon. After photo ops with the welcoming Alburanons, he rode on an open multicab through the streets of Albur and spent a good hour with the calamay makers in Barangay Ponong, listening to their plight. He asked what the calamay makers concerns are, and they also asked him what he can do for the industry.
Senator Cayetano also tried his culinary skills in cooking calamay at the Calamay Center in Barangay Ponong.

Friday, April 19, 2013


The Jollibee Group Foundation has confirmed its latest addition to its local partners in the Busog, Lusog Talino (BLT) Feeding Program. LGU Alburquerque has received confirmation that it has been identified as Jollibee's new partner in the BLT Program.

The said feeding program will provide free breakfast to forty (40) identified pupils of the Alburquerque School District for one hundred fifty days every year for two years.


With the five laptops donated by SGV through Synergeia Foundation,  LGU Alburquerque, through the Office of the Mayor Efren Tungol, conducted computer education classes for students and teachers of the Alburquerque Central Elementary School (ACES).  This is in line with the agreement between SGV, Synergeia Foundation and LGU Albur.

The ACES Students had one on one hands on computer classes on Microsoft Word. This was ably handled by Mr. Clint Ras of Upper Sta. Fe. 

The Albur District teachers, on the other hand, had hands on computer classes on Microsoft Powerpoint (March fifteen) and Microsoft Word (March 23). Volunteer teachers were Joema May R. Mangao, Renante Manungas, Vera Gesite and Clint Ras.

Classes in Microsoft Excel and other applications are scheduled for the rest of the summer.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


After the creation of barangay school boards in all the barangays of Alburquerque, Barangay Education Summits were scheduled. The first three  to conduct the Barangay Education Summits with the theme “towards reforms in basic education” were Dangay on April 8th, Cantiguib on April 11th and Toril on April 12th.

During each of the barangay summits, the barangay captain presented the state of education of his barangay, showing on powerpoint presentations data and indicators on Performance Ratings in NAT and RAT, cohort survival rate, repetition rate,  retention rate, drop out rate, PHILIRI or reading scores, as well as school facilities.  In attendance were the members of the barangay school board, PTA, barangay officials,  the district supervisor, school principal or school head, teachers of the barangay, as well as the Mayor, PNP, etc.

The workshops, facilitated by Vera V Gesite, included a Current Reality Dialogue on the state of Education, a Visioning Workshop, and a Workshop on identifying the hindering and enabling factors to the achievement of the vision, as well as the interventions and recommendations. On the current reality dialogue, a plenary discussion was made on the Strengths and Weaknesses of the school and education of the barangay as well as the Opportunities and Threats affecting the education.   In the visioning workshop, the question asked  “What are your hopes and dreams for your children? (Unsa man ang inyong mga damgo para sa inyong mga kabataan?)”  The third workshop asks:  What are the enabling factors in the achievement of your dreams? (Unsa man ang makatabang pagkab ot sa inyong mga damgo sa inyong mga kabataan?)  and What are the hindering factors ? (Unsa man ang mga babag?) The last workshop identified the interventions and recommendations for the improvement of basic education in the barangay.

It is noteworthy to mention that while the performance in NAT and RAT are low in the barangays, there is an increasing trend in NAT scores compared to previous years.  In addition, several initiatives in teacher training, parent effectiveness training, mentoring, reading program, etc are undertaken by Synergeia Foundation, Miriam College, Holy Name University in Alburquerque.  Feeding programs are conducted by San Miguel Foods and a future tie up with Jollibee Group Foundation.  Pusong Pinoy and Alburanons Worldwide donated hundreds of books which are currently rotated as mobile libraries in schools. With the laptops from SGV through Synergeia, students and teachers receive trainings in Microsoft Word, Powerpoint Presentations and Excel. Moreover, other initiatives and programs are in the pipeline in order for basic education reforms to happen in Alburquerque.

The Education Summits of the other barangays are as follows: Basacdacu April 15; Bahi April 16, Tagbuane April 22, EPO and SRHS April 23, other feeder barangays April 29. 

Dancing the Summer Away in Alburquerque

“Giving back!” is the theme of Jay Anthony “Tonjie” Requilme Mangao’s message at the Culmination Program of the Alburquerque Summer Dance Workshop. Produced by the Office of Alburquerque Mayor Efren D Tungol  and the Culture and Arts Coordinator, the dance workshop ran from April 2 to 12 at the Alburquerque Training Center.  Mangao, who recently graduated as major in dance from the prestigious Philippine High School for the Arts at Mt. Makiling in Los Banos, Laguna, heads the Alburquerque Performing Arts Group or APAG and was the trainor of this summer’s dance workshop.  He said “it is my way of giving back what I have learned in school to the people of Alburquerque who have supported me all these years!” He also said that he hopes more young people will join the next year’s summer workshop, instead of just idling the summer away.

Twenty members of APAG trained, including original members from last year’s dance and theater workshops, as well as new members who went through an audition on April 2. A total of 21 workshop sessions were conducted for 10 days on basic ballet movements and basic fundamentals of dance. These include footwork and hand movements such as releve, extension, plie, battements, passĂ©, arabesque, tendu, jete, coupe, etc.

During the culmination program, Tonjie demonstrated his skill in choreography when the APAG members performed an Invocatory Dance, the “Mask Dance”, and a contemporary pop “Drive By”. It was attended by LGU officials and employees, as well as representatives of the Center for Culture and Arts Development (GO CCAD) Ms. Vida Tirol de Juan, Butch de Juan and Mitzi Ibaya. 

The video presentation of APAG says it all: “Dance is a silent poetry” and “Take more chances, dance more dances”.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Alburquerque Mayor Takes Education to Greater Heights

Mayor Efren D Tungol takes a step higher when he issued Executive Order No. 2013 01 Series of 2013 enjoining all component barangays of Alburquerque to create their respective barangay school boards towards reforms in basic education. The said EO  is in response to the results of the Alburquerque Education Summit held in December where it was found out that the state of education is in a dilemma, as evidence by poor academic performance for the past years, especially in the NAT tests, etc.

Mayor Tungol believes that collaborative efforts of ALL stakeholders in education are necessary to attain the goal of improving the academic performance of schoolchildren. As the saying goes, “It  takes a village to raise a child!”  When asked why barangay school boards are created when this is not provided in the Local Government Code of 1991, he says be believes that  “What the law does not prohibit, it allows!”

Alburquerque receives technical assistance from Synergeia Foundation in its Education Reforms Program and was recently recipient of  five laptops from SGV through Synergeia, and of books from Pusong Pinoy and Alburanons Worldwide.  It is also one of the LGUs considered for the Kaya Natin Movement, Ateneo School of Government and SEAOIL in its Champions of Education Leadership Governance Program.

The Basic Education Reforms Program encompasses teacher training, Parent Effectiveness Training, campaign for increase efficiency in RPT collection which means increase in SEF, reinventing the Local School Boards particularly in transparency,  accountability, etc following the Jesse Robredo models. 

The Executive Order has been approved by Governor Edgar Chatto and is the first in Bohol province.  On the same note, Alburquerque is the first LGU in Bohol to be the site of the Philippine Center for Civic Education and Democracy in its programs for civic education. (PR/edt)

PCCED Project Launched in Alburquerque

“Promoting Democratic Values in the Barangays of Alburquerque” is a project that aims to contribute to the promotion of democratic governance principles in the decentralized public policy areas of the Philippines.Specifically, the project aims to incorporate the democratic values in areas and processes of decision-making in the 11 barangays of Alburquerque and strengthen the exercise of responsible citizenship.   Project launch was on March 13, 2013 at the Alburquerque Gym attended by key LGU officials headed by Mayor Efren D. Tungol, representatives from the barangays headed by the barangay captains, guests from Tagbilaran and the PCCED Team.

During the said launch, Mayor Efren Tungol welcomed the participants and expressed his support on the project . Ms. RAiza Cusi gave the orientation on Philippine Center for Civic Education and its programs which are: (1) The Barangay Rule of Law program that seeks to promote democratic processes in the barangays by training the Lupong Tagapamayapa and other barangay officials charged in maintaining peace and harmony in the community; (2) The Civic Education Training program designed to provide teachers and other civic educators with updated improved and integrated materials and pedagogy , as well as the necessary training to use the materials effectively  in imparting key concepts and lessons in love of country, civic culture, democracy, human rights, rule of law and economic citizenship. (3) Project Citizen which is an approach for education in democracy. It trains high school students in seeking public policy interventions to solve community problems.

Mr. Mardonio Roxas, City Local Government Operations officer, Mrs.  Marina Salamanca shared their positive experiences during the 2-year program of PCCED in Tagbilaran City . Atty. Greg Austral, PCCED Board Member also gave a brief background on the BArangay Rule of Law and its activities. Vice Mayor Jet Ugdoracion, ABC president Rene Buates, MLGOO Evelia Salamanca expressed support to the project while Mr. Isabelito Tongco, represented Gov. Edgar Chatto in giving suppor to the project. Mr. Reynal Trillana , PCCED executive director ended the program with much optimism on the project’s  implementation.

The project which commenced in October 1, 2012, will run for 24 months or 2 years and will close on September 30, 2014. The lead organization in the implementation is the Philippine Center for Civic Education and Democracy in partnership with Zabalketa, the Municipality of Alburquerque, Bohol , the Department of Education – Bohol Division and with support from DiputacionForal de Gipuzkoa (Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa)

The Key Result Areas of the project include the following:  Barangays Officials are motivated and competent to resolve conflicts in the local community. The intervention will focus on all the Lupon Members from the 11 barangays of the Municipality through the PCCED program, Barangay Rule of Law Seminar or the BRLS. Activities include the BRLS Training, BRLS mid-training and Coordination meetings which will focus on the peacekeeping function of the Barangays by empowering them with technical knowledge on the KatarungangPambarangay System as well as dispute resolution  skills.

Philippine Center for Civic Education and Democracy or PCCED is a non-stock, non-profit organization dedicated to the effective promotion of good citizenship and participatory democracy through education. Zabalketa is a non-government organization founded in 1990 that works in awareness and education project in Spain and internationally in development cooperation projects. Its headquarters is located in Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain. It has a permanent delegation in San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa, Spain) and an extension office in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). Zabalketa has been working with PCCED since 2007 through small grants aid from the Local Government of Getxo, Spain which implemented various programs and project of the organization.